Sometimes you can be offensive without even opening your mouth, and I’m okay with that. I’m actually not that offensive- or too offensive as a person (methinks), but this pairing of the HLZBLZ tee and D’Fame shorts was bound to happen. I think they were made for each other, but they just don’t know it yet. I’ve been a fan of What the Hellz for awhile now, not only since they have cute gear, but it speaks to the fearless bad bitch in all of us. And of course I had to throw my HUF socks into the mix to play up some color & add even more good vibes. I got these socks via Shop Jeen, if you haven’t checked them out yet, do yourself a favor and get over there, they literally have everything from A-Z. Scroll below to see my ‘classic white tee & blue jean’ look with additional flavor. Until next time! xx

whatthehellz tee / d'fame shorts / huf socks photography by Jeff Fernandez (@yojefff) whatthehellz tee / d’fame shorts / huf socks photography by Jeff Fernandez (@yojefff)

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